Beachfront Lifestyle Reality Show

Beachfront Properties SA is launching a reality show, using the Beachfront brand. New technology allows Beachfront lifestyle to be The Gateway from South Africa to the World.

Buyers have the opportunity to become famous while buying a beachfront property for lifestyle purposes. Only buyers that are approved after their successful purchase will be showcased in the series. All buyers and sellers may apply for the 12 series show.

The Touring Lifestyle reality show would allow buyers and sellers to share their unique lifestyle habits and open the world of dreams come true. Exclusively applied to high end and budget beachfront sales. This also serves as information for hospitality clients that want to travel on the coast line in South Africa.

Beachfront Tours by land and air has partnered with a dynamic tour operator with years of experience. Special investment tours are promoted will visiting all coastal towns of South Africa with a camera crew and enjoys the best beachfront accommodation and is introduced to local cuisine and activities while travelling and experiencing hospitality in South Africa.

Selling beachfront lifestyle is the most dynamic and convincing factor while people choose their beachfront living.

Wynand believes that a reality show that promotes high and mid end is needed.

This is blended with the buyers staying in awesome accommodation, activities and enjoying healthy food while waiting for the keys of their new home.

Giving potential buyers a taste of seeing the beautiful coastal sites and experiencing a holiday while shopping is only available in South Africa.

The show will have 12 series of 30 min and will be sold to an international broadcaster/local/Africa.